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Workout DescriptionsUpdated 4 months ago

Every workout has key characteristics that are summarized in the description below the title.

Trainer: This is the name of the trainer. Knowing this makes it easier to pick out workouts from your favorite!

Level: The levels range from level 1 to level 4. They refer to the complexity of the body weight exercises that you will perform during the workout. Level 1 has the simplest motions, while level 4 has the most complex. It does not refer to the intensity of the impulses during the workout, so do not be intimidated by the higher levels; give them a try!

Length: The length of time (in minutes) of the full workout.

Mode: One of our four workout modes, Power, Strength, Cardio, and Recovery. Each mode focuses on a different type of impulse from the suit to achieve different effects on your muscles. For a more in-depth explanation, check out this article.

  • Power - Targets fast twitch muscle fibers, used in activities such as jumping, sprinting, and throwing.
  • Strength - Targets slow twitch muscle fibers to improve muscle strength, endurance, and growth.
  • Cardio - Targets aerobic and muscle endurance, used in activities such as running and biking
  • Recovery - This mode increases blood flow, leading to a faster reduction of lactic acid, and promotes muscle relaxation.
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